------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast (ATCF) "Data Files / Text Files" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last update: 24 May 2024 See "NOTICE" file for special notes about the database. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE STATEMENT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This README describes the sub-directory structure and file layout / format for ATCF realtime database files. These files contain forecast guidance, along with position and intensity estimates of Tropical and Subtropical Cyclones. The data are provided "as-is" in a realtime automated fashion; consequently, the users of the data are REQUIRED to perform quality control of the data prior to use since there is a potential for errors within the files. Users are also cautioned that the data in these files are subject to frequent revisions and can differ from information issued in official NHC products. OFFICAL Tropical Cyclone forecast information is available from the following messages with WMO headers: NORTH ATLANTIC BASIN: WTNT2{1-5} KNHC EASTERN NORTH PACIFIC BASIN: WTPZ2{1-5} KNHC CENTRAL NORTH PACIFIC BASIN: WTPA2{1-5} PHFO DOCUMENTATION ON TROPICAL CYCLONE WEATHER SERVICES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- National Hurricane Operations Plan (NHOP) for 2024: https://www.weather.gov/media/tropical/2024_nhop.pdf The NHOP includes defintions of Storm IDs, basin identifers, etc., and contains documenation on hurricane operations. NWS Directives on Tropical Cyclone Weather Services (see NDS 10-6): https://www.nws.noaa.gov/directives/010/010.php Information on Model / Tracker performance: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/verification/index.shtml Information on ATCF data formats: https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/database.html National Hurricane Center/Central Pacific Hurricane Center Home Page: https://www.hurricanes.gov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB-DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (-- *** SHIPS Intensity Model sub-directory *** ---) --> stext DESCRIPTION: diagnostic intermediate output generated from the SHIPS model which includes predictor values and contributions. Includes rapid intensification indicators from JHT projects. CATEGORY: forecast / model guidance. SPECIAL NOTES: None FILE CONVENTION:
_ships.txt = "2-digit Year" = "2-digit Month 01-12"
= "2-digit Day of Month" = "synoptic or run cycle 00, 06, 12, or 18" = AL "for Atlantic basin" = EP "for East Pacific basin" = CP "for Central Pacific basin" = 01 - 30 "numbered storms with forecasts issued and numbers are *not* recycled until the next season." 90 - 99 "Invest, areas of interest watched by forecasters for possible development and these numbers are re-used periodically throughout the season" 80 - 89 "Internal training storm numbers which are to always be ignored" = "2-digit Year corresponding to the storm-number's respective season" FILE FORMAT DOCUMENTATION: described in the text file --> lsdiag DESCRIPTION: input data file for the SHIPS regression model. This data file does not provide any intesity onformation, it is an input file only. CATEGORY: model input file SPECIAL NOTES: None FILE CONVENTION:
_lsdiag.dat = "2-digit Year" = "2-digit Month 01-12"
= "2-digit Day of Month" = "synoptic or run cycle 00, 06, 12, or 18" = AL "for Atlantic basin" = EP "for East Pacific basin" = CP "for Central Pacific basin" = 01 - 30 "numbered storms with forecasts issued and numbers are *not* recycled until the next season." 90 - 99 "Invest, areas of interest watched by forecasters for possible development and these numbers are re-used periodically throughout the season" 80 - 89 "Internal training storm numbers which are to always be ignored" = "2-digit Year corresponding to the storm-number's respective season" FILE FORMAT DOCUMENTATION: not applicable (-- *** A-deck sub-directory *** ---) --> aid "ATCF guidance comma delimited files (aka A-decks)" --> aid_public "ATCF guidance comma delimited files (aka A-decks)" ... Public Files ... DESCRIPTION: Offical Track and Intensity forecasts in comma delimited format. Also contains NWP guidance on Tropical Cyclones (TC) in comma delimited format using TC trackers. CATEGORY: forecast / model guidance. SPECIAL NOTES: Model Guidance and forecasts listed as "Interpolated" are guidance from the previous synoptic time that have been moved onto the current synoptic time's position point. see "nhc_techlist.dat" for Guidance descriptors. FILE CONVENTION: a.dat = al "for Atlantic basin" = ep "for East Pacific basin" = cp "for Central Pacific basin" = 01 - 30 "numbered storms with forecasts issued and numbers are *not* recycled until the next season." 90 - 99 "Invest, areas of interest watched by forecasters for possible development and these numbers are re-used periodically throughout the season" 80 - 89 "Internal training storm numbers which are to always be ignored" = 2003 "4-digit Year" Example: aal102002.dat "Atlantic basin, Storm #10 of 2002" aep902002.dat "E. pacific basin, Invest #90 acp882002.dat "Central Pacific basin, Test system #88 which is to be ignored." FILE FORMAT DOCUMENTATION: see the URL below: https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/abdeck.txt (-- *** B-deck sub-directory *** ---) --> btk "ATCF best-track comma delimited files (aka B-decks)" SPECIAL NOTE - as of May 15, 2004, these files contain wind radii information similar to the A-decks, mutiple lines for the same date/time group are included in the file format along with 34 KT, 50 KT and 64 KT wind radii. DESCRIPTION: Offical synoptic hour positions and intensity and wind radii of Tropical Cyclones in comma delimited format. Indicates the best position known at synoptic time. CATEGORY: position / intensity SPECIAL NOTES: Best track data is verified post season, so expect revisions after the season. FILE CONVENTION: b.dat = al "for Atlantic basin" = ep "for East Pacific basin" = cp "for Central Pacific basin" = 01 - 30 "numbered storms with forecasts issued and numbers are *not* recycled until the next season." 90 - 99 "Invest, areas of interest watched by forecasters for possible development and these numbers are re-used periodically throughout the season" 80 - 89 "Internal training storm numbers which are to always be ignored" = 2003 "4-digit Year" Example: bal102002.dat "Atlantic basin, Storm #10 of 2002" bep902002.dat "E. pacific basin, Invest #90 bcp882002.dat "Central Pacific basin, Test system #88 which is to be ignored." FILE FORMAT DOCUMENTATION: see the URL below: https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/abdeck.txt (-- *** COMPUTES sub-directory *** ---) --> com "ATCF compute comma delimited files (aka computes)" Note - this data also resides in the a-decks DESCRIPTION: Contains the latest position fix and intensity of Tropical Cyclones in comma delimited format and includes previous -24 hour positions / intensities for use in model TC bogusing. CATEGORY: current position / intensity to past 24 hours SPECIAL NOTES: Files are overwritten each forecast period. This information is also contained within the ATCF A-decks. FILE CONVENTION: .com = al "for Atlantic basin" = ep "for East Pacific basin" = cp "for Central Pacific basin" = 01 - 30 "numbered storms with forecasts issued and numbers are *not* recycled until the next season." 90 - 99 "Invest, areas of interest watched by forecasters for possible development and these numbers are re-used periodically throughout the season" 80 - 89 "Internal training storm numbers which are to always be ignored" = 2003 "4-digit Year" Example: al102002.com "Atlantic basin, Storm #10 of 2002" ep902002.com "E. pacific basin, Invest #90 cp882002.com "Central Pacific basin, Test system #88 which is to be ignored." FILE FORMAT DOCUMENTATION: see the URL below: Note - this site is maintained by the US Navy, at times it may be unavailable. https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/abdeck.txt (-- *** F-deck / Fixes sub-directory *** ---) --> fix "ATCF fix file comma delimited files (aka F-decks / Fixes)" DESCRIPTION: Contains *estimates* of position and intensity of Tropical Cyclones in comma delimited format as given by satellite analysts (TAFB, SAB, etc.) using the the Dvorak technique or as estimated by automated satellite platform instruments or other data sources. CATEGORY: estimated current position and/or intensity **WARNING** NOTES: These files can contain large errors and are quality controlled visually by trained forecasters. Current position / intensity estimates *should* be retrieved from the Best track (B-deck) files. FILE CONVENTION: f.dat = al "for Atlantic basin" = ep "for East Pacific basin" = cp "for Central Pacific basin" = 01 - 30 "numbered storms with forecasts issued and numbers are *not* recycled until the next season." 90 - 99 "Invest, areas of interest watched by forecasters for possible development and these numbers are re-used periodically throughout the season" 80 - 89 "Internal training storm numbers which are to always be ignored" = 2003 "4-digit Year" Example: fal102002.com "Atlantic basin, Storm #10 of 2002" fep902002.com "E. pacific basin, Invest #90 fcp882002.com "Central Pacific basin, Test system #88 which is to be ignored." FILE FORMAT DOCUMENTATION: see the URL below: Note - this site is maintained by the US Navy, at times it may be unavailable. https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/newfdeck.txt (-- *** forecast file sub-directory *** ---) --> afst "ATCF forecast file comma delimited files (aka forecast file)" Note - this data also resides in the a-decks DESCRIPTION: Contains the latest Offical Forecast (OFCL). CATEGORY: offical forecast SPECIAL NOTES: Files are overwritten each forecast period. This information is also contained within the ATCF A-decks. FILE CONVENTION: .fst = al "for Atlantic basin" = ep "for East Pacific basin" = cp "for Central Pacific basin" = 01 - 30 "numbered storms with forecasts issued and numbers are *not* recycled until the next season." 90 - 99 "Invest, areas of interest watched by forecasters for possible development and these numbers are re-used periodically throughout the season" 80 - 89 "Internal training storm numbers which are to always be ignored" = 2003 "4-digit Year" Example: al102002.fst "Atlantic basin, Storm #10 of 2002" ep902002.fst "E. pacific basin, Invest #90 cp882002.fst "Central Pacific basin, Test system #88 which is to be ignored." FILE FORMAT DOCUMENTATION: see the URL below: Note - this site is maintained by the US Navy, at times it may be unavailable. https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/abdeck.txt --> gpce "ATCF Probability/Error Data Files (aka E-decks)" DESCRIPTION: The e-deck is used to store a variety of probabilitistc data. This can include guidance used to provide a measure of confidence in the track consensus aids. The bounds of the data depict the probability in which a verifying position falls within the radius provided in the data deck. It should be noted that the along track / across track guidance (GPCE-AX) is considered experimental and must treated as such. Probabilistic intensity and genesis forecast data can also be contained in the e-deck. CATEGORY: forecast / model guidance. SPECIAL NOTES: FILE CONVENTION: e.dat = al "for Atlantic basin" = ep "for East Pacific basin" = cp "for Central Pacific basin" = 01 - 30 "numbered storms with forecasts issued and numbers are *not* recycled until the next season." 90 - 99 "Invest, areas of interest watched by forecasters for possible development and these numbers are re-used periodically throughout the season" 80 - 89 "Internal training storm numbers which are to always be ignored" = 2003 "4-digit Year" Example: eal102009.dat "Atlantic basin, Storm #10 of 2009" eep902009.dat "E. pacific basin, Invest #90 ecp882009.dat "Central Pacific basin, Test system #88 which is to be ignored." FILE FORMAT DOCUMENTATION: see the URL below: https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/edeck.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER POINTS OF CONTACT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computing and Science Group Technology and Science Branch NOAA/NWS/National Hurricane Center 11691 SW 17th Street Miami, FL 33165 E-mail: NHCwebmaster@noaa.gov Note - NHC will try to respond to your inquiries or correspondance as quickly as possible. During active storm events, it may not be possible to respond to any inquiries, but we will try to answer all questions as time permits.